Hunt runs from 15 September to 15 October 2015
Hunt Cost: 1L
Application Deadline: 31 August 2015
Theme: Autumn, leafs, memories, autumn colors, gold, goth,... (anything that remind us of autumn)
Hunt Gifts: Male and Female gifts (or Unisex gifts) are welcome but you can make for one of them. Your store will be marked according as female, male or unisex.
Hunt order: We have 10 slots for sponsors and that means that sponsors will be listed first. All other stores will come next and will be placed according to the reception of the applications.
------------------------------- RULES --------------------------------
1 - No business in a box, no freebie stuff allowed
2 - You must have an in-world store.
3 - Your gift MUST BE ORIGINAL and made by yourself
4 - Your gift must be related to the hunt theme
5 - Your gift must be exclusive for the hunt only (we accept that you create a different texture for something you already have in your store. For example if you are working with mesh you can use the mesh base and create a new texture for it only for this hunt)
6 - Respect the timeline. If you don´t respect the timeline you´ll be dropped to the last position of the hunt. If you don´t answer my ims/ notecards you´ll be dropped for good. This rule is also applied to sponsors. If you are having any trouble please let me know.
7 - During the hunt you are required to be on - Gardenia Events - Designers group so you can keep up with all information about the hunt and better support.